Nurses create circles of hope and healing each time they accept the invitation to be part of an intimate moment of a person’s life at birth, in illness, and at the moment of death. It is in this sacred space where nurses have the greatest opportunity to create environments of healing.
The guardian: noticing and sensing
Learn post, Practicing CircleThe roots of circle
About post, LineageWhy Newly-Established Healing Circles Sometimes Fail
Partnering with other agenciesSafety in Numbers: Five Circle Agreements
Deepening circle practice, Front Page, Learn post, Practicing CircleWhat Makes a Circle Healing?
Deepening circle practice, Front Page, Front page post, Learn post, Practicing CircleThrough Healing Circles, Nurses Gain a Renewed Passion for Their Profession
Getting started, In Your ProfessionWhy Are Nurses Drawn to the Circle?
In Your ProfessionBringing Healing Circles to Nurses
About post, In Your ProfessionDr. Deb
Discovering Self through the Arts10 Tips for Getting Started
In Your Community, In Your Home, In Your Organization, In Your Profession, In your retreat center