Healing circles is a foundational practice of authentic human connections.
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Healing Circles Healthcare believes that healthcare culture can be transformed through healing circles. The healing circle practice rebuilds social connections and relationships.

We know first hand that the quality of social connections directly impact outcomes and how we care for one another.

Social connection is as critical as air, food and water;
without it, all else struggles to exist.

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Circles for all trained hosts

Join trained healing circles hosts for a monthly circle and sharing of best practices.

Registration link coming soon!

Curious about our training program?

Try out an experiential circle to learn more about the Healing Circles Healthcare program.

Registration link coming soon!

Circles for you

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Healing Circles Faculty with U.S. Surgeon General,
Dr. Vivek Murthy at Commonweal, August 1, 2023

  • According to the US Surgeon General, social disconnection is now an epidemic in all organizations and communities.
  • The long-term human impact is a widespread loss of community and sense of belonging.

Collegial disconnection 

within healthcare is a longstanding byproduct of its pace, complexity, and hierarchical culture.
Authentic human connection is an antidote for collegial disconnection. Additionally, it is a critical element in the delivery of high-quality care.
Healing circles is a foundational practice of authentic human connection, and is uniquely positioned to rebuild collegial connections in healthcare.   

Healing circles practice is: 

  • anchored in a consistent set of values and mechanics
  • a foundational practice of authentic human connection
  • community-based and ongoing 
  • open to all to contribute and be supported anytime, anywhere
  • impacting participants in immediate and tangible ways