Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center Houston – 2023

Healing Circles Healthcare Professional Services completed more training in 2023 with DeBakey VA. The virtual training program provided basic training and the advanced practicum in two cohorts.

Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center Houston – 2022

DeBakey VA leadership engaged Healing Circles Houston to provide virtual circle training and consultation in 2021. In 2022, trained VA leaders launched hosting circles throughout the organization.


Kaiser Permanente of Northern California – 2023

Healing Circles Healthcare Professional Services provided virtual basic circle training and an advanced practicum in two cohorts in 2023.

Jonas Philanthropies – 2021

In the peak of the pandemic, a generous Jonas Philanthropies grant provided funding to move virtual healing circle training into nine healthcare organizations and seven nursing academic centers across the country in 2021.

Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago – 2023

Lurie Children’s engaged Healing Circles Healthcare Professional Services in virtual basic circle trainings and advanced practicum in Spring of 2023. 

Houston Methodist Chaplains – 2021 

Houston Methodist extended their healing circle reach in virtual sessions to spiritual care professionals.

Houston Methodist – 2019 

Houston Methodist engaged with Healing Circles Houston provide in-person healing circle training.


Healthcare and Academic organizations
across 47 sites


Nurses + other professionals trained


Healing circle training hours provided